
Anna’s Gate is There for Me

     Loneliness is the most overwhelming issue of losing your partner. Family not being close by, and also not having the things you need can lead you to do things you don’t want to do. I had to worry about not being able to pay a bill and being disrespected as a result. If you are trying to live right and you don’t have a husband then you don’t have a bunch of men around. Friends can betray you. If you don’t know Jesus, and you don’t know how to pray, and you don’t go someplace like Anna’s Gate then there you sit. If you get a car then it must be fixed sometimes, and you have to worry about who can help you. If you have pride, then you don’t feel comfortable asking for help. These financial difficulties compound spiritual and emotional struggles.

     Someone who is stronger in one area can help another widow overcome her struggles. Some widows who want to get married will look in the wrong places and find the wrong people. Your children and grandchildren grow up and have lives of their own and that’s why Anna’s Gate is so important. They are there for you. We pray about things at Anna’s Gate, for each other, and even about our country, and God answers our prayers!

~ Virginia “Nadine” Williams


God Promises Healing and Purpose

The first purpose is to find God. Some widows find God and then they become angry with Him because of their circumstances. They may have had God before and now they feel they are in a dark hole that is hard to dig out of. They need someone to walk through that with them, but they must be willing. Sometimes they are not willing to dig out of it. Some people find comfort in their pain because the pain is so familiar. That creates a false peace and that kind of peace is not real. The enemy lets up the pressure when he gets someone immobile and paralyzed.

I was already connected to Anna’s Gate as a radio guest before my husband passed away. After I became a widow, I found greater purpose when I began leading the Tuesday prayer times and serving on the board as the program director.

The Lord told me He needs to be everything to me. Then He will bring everything I need and will bring the right people at the right times.

~ Patty Clemons

A Friend to the Widow

It’s hard to be divorced, even in church. Everyone is a couple, it seems. My life was torn apart, and the rejection, shame, and guilt tormented me. I didn’t have a group like Anna’s Gate to lean on at that time. But later after remarrying I went through another difficult time and was invited to Anna’s Gate for prayer and encouragement. As I continued to participate in the Tuesday meetings, I found God’s direction for my life and experienced healing from inner wounds.

I learned that almsgiving is important to God and taking care of the widows God puts in my life is part of my almsgiving. It’s also amazing to have their powerful prayers in my corner during difficult times. I have HIGH RESPECT for them so as not to get on God’s bad side 😐.

Now, my husband and I are blessed to be a “FRIEND” to the widows and to financially support this amazing organization. I thank God often that He guided me to this beautiful group of women.

~ Myra Mansfield

Jack and Myra

My Outlook is Different Now

Several years ago I didn’t even know that Anna’s Gate existed. When I began to attend the Tuesday meetings heard things from the Word, from history, from the Anna’s Gate resources, which I had never heard before. I always come away with new revelation; Just something more, something deeper. Anna’s Gate has taught me my importance as a widow. My outlook as far as being a widow is different now.

I’ve been taught how vital my role is in being a widow, how God hears the cries of our heart, and how close His heart is to ours. I’ve not lost anything because He replaces my husband on this earth and He is my husband now. I have learned my calling and true authority. I’m so grateful to the group of women that have come into my life because of Anna’s Gate. I’m so honored to know all of these friends. My life has truly been enriched by Anna’s Gate. I believe with all my heart God has great things in store for this group of wonderful women.

Thank you for letting me be a part of Anna’s Gate!

~ Charlotte Stanton (1942 – 2023)

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